Travel Blog: Plane, Train and everything in between

We traveled through 3 countries, 8 cities and every possible mode of transport with our 7.5 month old over 18 days! I felt that deserved a blog, not just to share the experience and learnings but also to memoir the fresh feelings of traveling with my baby so I can reminisce later. Those who know … Continue reading Travel Blog: Plane, Train and everything in between

A Delivery Blog: The hard part is over, right?

3 hard working people taking a break And just like I know for sure that I'd die for you, I know I'd kill for you too... Please extend a very warm welcome to Anya Joshi-De! Anya’s name, pronounced Aanyaa, means ‘Limitless or Inexhaustible Grace’ and we see her embody that quality every minute she has … Continue reading A Delivery Blog: The hard part is over, right?

End of Second trimester: The good, and the money-saving!

We cannot deny that in our geo-socio-economic circles pregnancy is a rare event, since, most women opt to have 1-2 pregnancies at most. And before we truly do research, all our frame of references about pregnancy come from movies and some stories from our moms/friends. One is far too focused on drama and the other … Continue reading End of Second trimester: The good, and the money-saving!

Pregnant and Pumped Phase 1: From No Way to Yayy yayy!

What changed? The Covid lockdown was one of the worst experiences for people all around the world - with livelihoods, loneliness and life, itself, in the balance for an extended period of time. So I want to be careful when I say the lockdown had some of the most positive effects on my personal life. … Continue reading Pregnant and Pumped Phase 1: From No Way to Yayy yayy!

Religion: an escape from prisoner’s dilemma

“Naturally, I figured, with inflation and everything, the dividing line between petty and grand larceny would have been raised considerably.Chon Day - When I spoke at the World Religions Forum at the University of Chicago in '16 and '17 I had admittedly confessed that I saw Hinduism as the 'Hufflepuff' of religions. I understood … Continue reading Religion: an escape from prisoner’s dilemma

The Conscious Mind: a Product Manager of the subconscious

I have been suffering from severe vocal chord issues for the last 1.5 years. As someone whose whole life is centered around vocally expressing, I can assure you this has not been a fun experience. I've had months where I could barely speak a couple of words a day. Doctors pointed to stress and overuse … Continue reading The Conscious Mind: a Product Manager of the subconscious